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Crystal's Notes
Who do you want to be? Not, 'What do you do?'

Hi Deep Human!
Diverse career paths are beautiful and honour our complexity.
As March comes to a close and headlines shake things up, the workforce needs to reimagine our pathways. The career ladder is dead! We are now in the modern world of the work lattice where lateral moves are as important as vertical ones. We need to reframe thinking about careers to experiences.
I was taught on my journey that broad social competencies are as powerful as specialised training. I also learned that we have different seasons in life and you can honour all facets of you without guilt or shame.
Never let anyone tell you what you should do with your life. I’ve been told I was too young for banking, too young to get married and have kids, too dumb for being a stay-at-home-mum, too young for being in senior management, too old to be on social media, too frivolous for being on Tik Tok. If I listened to all or ANY of that, I wouldn’t be living my dream life and career today.
Scroll down for: ‘Work Hacks’, ‘A Dose of Zen’, ‘Skill Up’ with Deep Human Institute, ‘#AskMeAnything’, and ‘Gem of the Week’.
Work Hacks
Propel yourself forward with insights you wish you knew earlier
We learn through mentorship. It’s not about finding the perfect one, yet rather a community of mentors to explore your multi-dimensionality and to expose your blindspots. Especially in a time of transition and uncertainty, seek out those who inspire and challenge you. Reach out to someone who sparks your curiosity. Learn my 5 truths about mentoring!
A Dose of Zen
A simple practice goes a long way
Have you been pushing too hard? 4 check-in questions from Dr. Greg
Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating well and enjoying your food? Is there joy in your life? Are you making enough time for self-care and others? If the answers are more NO than YES, then you may need to nourish yourself more. Think of what fills you up abundantly and brings you calm or joy - and make space for more of that.
Skill Up
Updates from Deep Human Institute - house of my programmes
I recently hosted a panel about career mobility with an audience of HR, L&D, Talent & IT. We were nodding our heads in agreement that careers used to be about ‘so what do you do?’ - climbing the corporate ladder, a structured environment, specialisation. Now, it’s moving away from that to ‘who do you want to become?’. There is value in building your career portfolio, maintaining ground in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world, and strengthening your transferable skillsets.
Deep Human Institute (DHI) delivers life-transforming personal growth journeys combining experiential learning and work-life insights for success. Whether you are interested in engaging with us on a corporate or individual level, Deep Human Institute has a growing suite of signature programmes to explore.
Unlock your personal and professional potential,
learn about our DHI programmes here!
Excerpted from my #AskMeAnything series on Instagram
You Asked: What to do when your job is not your passion and your passion doesn't bring you money?
Don't be too black and white about it. Jobs and passions both evolve constantly. Your passion may not make money now, but it may in the future. You may not love your job right now, but if you change your boss you might. Think of your life as a portfolio - you have different areas - work, family, relationships, social, spiritual, mind, body, hobbies, etc. At various points of time, different areas will give you joy and grief. Just make sure work doesn't take over your entire portfolio weighting.
Gem of the Week
A quote to nourish you
“Each of you is perfect the way you are… and you can use a little improvement.” - Shunryu Suzuki
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