Crystal's Notes 3 February 2024

Embracing Beautiful Questions

Dear Community

A professor once told me to focus on asking beautiful questions rather than merely seeking answers. It was this ethos that shaped the essence of the I Am Well journal, transforming it into a sacred space of thought-provoking questions.

One recent prompt resonated deeply within our community, and that was: "One question I'm pondering these days is..." The responses shared by the community showed lots of courage, vulnerability, and introspection as always. As for myself, the response that I wrote down for the prompt was, "What if nothing needs to change?"

This question had emerged during my recent online Zen retreat with Henry Shukman. The very act of sitting with this question proved to be a profound journey — one that not only blew my mind wide open but also exploded my heart with newfound insights. It brought to light the realization that a significant portion of my consciousness had been devoted to ceaseless effort and a desire for change. But what if, amidst the striving, this very moment, with all its imperfections, was already complete? What if the essence of my being was enough?

All of us will have different questions and journeys to arrive at answers specific to the seasons we are going through in our life. In the spirit of profound self-discovery, I hope you will consider the beautiful questions that will guide your journey. Ask questions that will point you towards where you need to go and grow. If you are seeking a transformative journey, join me at my Deep Human events.

Upcoming Deep Human Institute Events

Click HERE for all upcoming event details!

Early bird discounts are still available for the above events.

I want to close this week’s note to you by sharing the words popularly attributed to Pablo Picasso: "The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to give it away." Have you found your gift, and are you sharing it with the world?

May we all embrace our journeys of questions and revelations. Wishing you a week filled with beautiful questions, insights, and moments of profound self-discovery.


Much love,
