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- Crystal's Notes - 30th December 2023
Crystal's Notes - 30th December 2023
Have you tried our Goal Sabotage Quiz?
LAST 2 days for early bird pricing for our signature Deep Human Leadership Programme [January 2024 intake]!
Dear Community,
Are you a PP caught up in a web of flawless fantasies, or are you rocking the OO vibe, drowning in tasks like it's a fashion statement? Or maybe are you an IW, lost in the maze of choices, or a CZD, who cozies up to familiarity?
If you have no clue what I’ve just said, take our Goal Sabotage Quiz. Over 3000 people have done the quiz, and many shared that the results were spot-on.
The quiz covers six iconic archetypes of goal sabotaging behaviour. Here is a quick overview of each archetype, but you have to do the quiz for more details, especially if you want to learn how to overcome your inner saboteur. I’ve also included a challenge for each archetype, if you’re up to it!
Perfectionist Procrastinator (PP)
If you find yourself caught up in the perfectionism web and stuck in a loop of inaction frequently, you’re likely a PP. The antidote is to embrace the gospel of "good enough." Toss those unattainable standards out the window and realize that progress trumps flawless outcomes.
Challenge yourself: Take on a task or project where the focus is on completion rather than perfection. This could be a work assignment, a creative project, or a personal goal. Then, share what you’ve done with a trusted friend and reflect in your journal on how it made you feel!
Overwhelmed Overdoer (OO)
People who are OOs find themselves drowning in tasks and in a perpetual state of overwhelm. If you’re an OO, you’ll have to master the art of effective prioritization and dive into using the Eisenhower's Matrix to pinpoint crucial tasks. There is a magic word that you need to learn as OOs, and that is ‘no’, especially to people and tasks that do not serve you.
Challenge yourself: Take a look at your schedule for next week and make a self-care commitment to engage in at least one activity that will bring you joy and relaxation. Use the Pareto’s Principle to consider what are the small but important factors that bring you energy and joy. Make the appointment, and then reflect on how you feel before and after the activity.
Comfort-Zone Dweller (CZD)
CZDs crave the cozy embrace of the familiar and steer clear of daring goals and new grounds . The solution if you’re one, is to gradually expand your journey by setting achievable goals that gently nudge the boundaries. You can also reach out for support or mentorship, and here's the secret sauce: if you view failure as a chance to learn and grow, you may be more likely to go beyond your comfort zone.
Challenge yourself: Commit to trying at least one new experience by the end of next month. This could be a new hobby, activity, or anything outside the usual routine. For example, you could try a new cafe, attend a social event, or take a different route home. Plot it down as a goal, list the steps, and reflect on how it made you feel after. List all your feelings, no matter if they are positive and negative.
Indecisive Wanderer (IW)
If you feel like you are grappling through your many dreams and goals without a compass, you may be an IW. The key to overcoming this is to illuminate the path by clarifying values and envisioning a long-term vision – this will become your North Star for setting meaningful goals. Add some deadlines to the mix and it may help give you an extra dash of much needed prioritization!
Challenge yourself: Pick one project, goal or task and set a deadline for it. Jot the goal in your journal and list actionable steps to get there. It doesn’t matter if it is a small or mammoth task. This will help you practice making choices within a defined timeframe.
Self-Critic (SC)
SCs are encumbered by a lack of confidence and tend to gravitate towards goals that are easily attainable. If you’re a SC, you’ll have to cultivate a practice of self-compassion and actively confront your self-limiting beliefs. You can also seek feedback from trusted company to help identify your inherent strengths, and learn to be your own best friend instead of enemy.
Challenge yourself: Write a letter to yourself. In it, you can create a list of affirmations that challenge self-limiting beliefs and promote self-compassion. Write as if you are writing to your best friend. Plot goals in your journal targeting these limiting perceptions and take steps to be rid of them!
People Pleaser (PPP)
Caught in the "yes" trap, PPPs make a sport out of putting others' needs ahead of their own. The game plan for victory if you’re a PPP is to establish those personal boundaries like a boss. Learn to elevate self-care to the top of the priority list and unleash your assertiveness in communication. Put yourself in the starring role instead!
Challenge yourself: Challenge the instinct to always say "yes" to others by actively saying "yes" to your personal needs and desires instead. What is one thing that you’ve not been able to do because you have been bending over backwards for others? Put it down as a goal, commit to it, and reflect on how it made you feel.
What kind of goal saboteur lurks within you? Uncover your archetype by taking the quiz because once you've decoded your unique sabotage style, we're handing you the keys to the green zone – where your goals go to get slayed!
In case you missed the memo, both Rachel and I are flying the OO flag. Hot off the workshop runway, we've launched the I Am Well online course. Your OOs are giving you: 17 video lessons on journalling tools, lots of worksheets, a 90 minute recording of a live manifesting success workshop, and a treasure trove of resources on the core principles of success, productivity and self-care. We are also including an e-book companion to the I Am Well journal. This course is for those who couldn’t get seats at our sold-out workshops, or for those who want a revision guide of what we covered, and for anyone who wants to start journalling, no matter if they have our planner or not.
That's not all we've got brewing. We are also working on an annual subscription that will grant you VIP access to quarterly workshops with us. And if that's not enough, we're rolling out the red carpet for a journalling community where we will come together to set and celebrate goals. Perhaps it’d also be where you can find yourself an accountability partner!
Dive into the resources, take the quiz, use the journal intentionally, and let all that we share be the catalyst for your best year ever. We are not just a community; we are a force of empowerment.
Full house at our two in-person Journalling workshops
Much love from Rachel & myself!